Bhai Navroop Singh Dhotian
Aka Bhai Kamalpreet Singh (real name)
Attained Shaheedi on 3 December 1992
Male, age 22-24
Place of Birth
Burj Rai ke, Patti, Tarn Taran
Dhotian, Patti, Tarn Taran
Father Name
Sardar Kashmir Singh (late)
Mother Name
Mata Surinder Kaur (late)
Siblings (including Shaheed)
2 Brother 2 Sister; Bhai Kawalpreet Singh aka Shaheed Bhai Navroop Singh Dhotian, Bibi Kulbeer Kaur (late), Bibi Babbi (late) and Bhai Harjit Singh (late)
High School Graduate from Dhotian and Computer Course Student in Khalsa College Amritsar
Kharku Sangarsh
Kharku Status
Active Kharku
Jathebandi Name
Jathebandi Titles
KLF - Chief (from 29 July 1992 to 03 December 1992)
Kharku Group
Bhai Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala
Sathi Singh (fellow Singhs)
Bhai Gurjant Singh Budhsinghwala, Dr. Sohan Singh (panthic committee), Bhai Jugraj Singh Toofan, Bhai Jagjit Singh Udhoke, Bhai Navneer Singh Qadian
Shaheedi Details
Date of Last Arrest
December 1992
Abducted by
Gurdev Singh Sahota - SSP Mansa
Shaheedi Date
03 December 1992
Shaheedi Date Varified from
Encounter type
Fake Encounter
Officer Involved in Shaheedi
Gurdev Singh Sahota - SSP Mansa
Place of Shaheedi
Ralla Water Bridge, village Ralla, Mansa, Mansa
Name of Sathi Singh who got Shaheed together
One unknown Singh
Family Reflections
Other Member Shaheed in Family
Before the martyrdom of Navroop Singh, In November 1992, the police kidnapped his 70-year-old grandmother (Nani), Mata Datar Kaur, along with his uncle, Salwinder Singh. They were both killed in a fake encounter. A few months later, the police kidnapped another of Navroop's uncles, 55-year-old Gurdial Singh, and killed him under torture at Naushehra Pannua Police Station.