Bhai Satpal Singh Dhillon
Attained Shaheedi on 14 September 1990
Male, age 29
Father Name
Sardar Karam Singh
Mother Name
Mata Kartar Kaur
Siblings (including Shaheed)
3 brothers and 3 Sisters; Bhai Nirmal Singh, Shaheed Bhai Satpal Singh Dhillon, Bhai Ravinder Singh, Bibi Mahinder Kaur, Bibi Jageer Kaur and Bibi Joginder Kaur
Date of Birth
3 April, 1961
Metric from village Atta (Jalandhar), BA (Bachelor of Arts) from Ramgharia College Phagwara in 1982, Double MA (Master of Arts) from Randhir College of Kapurthala
Other Activites
Great Player of Long Jump in his college days
Kharku Sangarsh
Kharku Status
Active Kharku
Jathebandi Name
Jathebandi Titles
General Secretary of AISSF
Bhai Sher Singh Sher (Pandori) and Bhai Gurjit Singh Harihar Jhok
Sathi Singh (fellow Singhs)
Bhai Gurjit Singh Harihar Jhok, Bhai Sher Singh Sher (Pandori), Bhai Kulwinder Singh Poli, Bhai Charanjit Singh, Bhai Manjit Singh Billa (Rurka), Bhai Ranjit Singh Bittu (Rurka), Bhai Harmander Singh Dhillon Lala, Bhai Jarnail Singh Lakhpur, Bhai Paramjit Singh Gandasa, Bhai Jagjit Singh Gill (Dalewal), Bhai Amarjit Singh, Bhai Jodh Singh, Bhai Loveshinder Singh Dalewal, Bhai Manjit Singh Bamb (Rasulpur), Bhai Balwinder Singh Kaka, Bhai Kulvir Singh Brapind
Shaheedi Details
Shaheedi Date
14 September 1990
Profile & Shaheedi Date Varified from
Encounter type
Fake Encounter, Police Black Cat
Officer Involved in Shaheedi
Black Cat of Jalandhar Police
Place of Shaheedi
Nakodar Chowk, City Jalandhar, Jalandhar , Jalandhar
Name of Sathi Singh who got Shaheed together
not any
Short Shaheedi Story
On September 14, 1990, Bhai Sahib and his companion, Advocate Balbir Singh Cheema, were traveling towards Jalandhar when they were spotted by the CID. The CID agents began tailing Bhai Sahib and later enlisted a group of black cats, led by Sukhwinder Singh, to follow them more closely. As Bhai Sahib approached Nakodar Chowk, Sukhwinder Singh, the black cat, who was following them in a black-tinted van, moved his vehicle closer to Bhai Sahib's scooter and opened fire from behind, fatally wounding him and making Bhai Sahib a martyr of the Sikh movement. The police were already stationed at Nakodar Chowk and took Advocate Balbir Singh Cheema into custody following the incident, tying his hands behind his back with his turban.
Family Reflections
Other Member Shaheed in Family
not any
Jiwni/Biographic Information